Are you a Lübeck visitor or a new citizen looking for contemporary art in this city?
In the area of Lübeck are living many artists who work with a variety of techniques, including painting,
sculpture, installation, graphics, videos, etc. Many are organized and work together to create exciting art events.
Here you will find links to the most important artists' associations of the independent art scene:
The Society of Lübeck‘s Artists The community of Lübeck‘s artists has existed since 1946 and currently has about 90 members. In numerous solo and group exhibitions, the members present contemporary art of different styles and techniques. The most significant event is the annually recurring, juried annual exhibition. This is currently taking place alternately either in the Kunsthalle St. Annen or in the historical Hafenschuppen 6. Dates under: Artler art collektive
Since 2014, there is also a permanent gallery site for this community,
the Artler art collektive, Große Burgstr. 32, 23552 Lübeck
During ongoing exhibitions open Thu and Fri 5 to 7 p.m., Sat 12-14 clock
Defacto Art e. V. Since 1999 existed in the city of Lübeck, an artist community, which merged in 2006 in the club "Defacto Art". It is an open forum for different art genres. After the old location in the Aegidienviertel had to be abandoned, a former gas station as an exhibition and work place for the artists is established next to the Holstentor. For opening hours see current events on the website.
Impressum: Maria Gust, Solmitzstr. 45, 23569 Lübeck, maria.gust(at)